Friday, May 16, 2014


EuroVision was amazing! So much glitter! So much fluoro! So much wind machine! Love it!

So photos are here. I'll put some good ones up as we go. Also, we made it on to the SBS coverage of the event. You can see us here - Craig and Sarah mostly, but you can see all of us very rapidly at the very start.

Ok, so let's get down to business! I'll walk you through our personal ratings of some of this year's contest.

Poland nearly won our internal voting contest. If it wasn't for the fact that Austria put in a fabulous bearded lady, they should have walked away with the top spot, in our opinion. Traditional dress! Cleavage! Native language! More cleavage! Churning butter on stage! And a decent song. This is what EuroVision is all about!

Austria's Conchita Wurst did win - both the internal vote, and all of EuroVision. Bearded drag queen, epic dramatic ballad. Wind machine!!! Fire! You just can't beat this- it's the stuff of EuroVision legend.

Sarah: depressed zombie vampire and then his caffeine kicked in, upbeat part of song saves it a bit. deadpan expression, grew on me
Craig: Aram MP3', seriously? Some off key shockers. HUGE turnaround with the dubstep break. But he's still off key. Flames shooting out of the floor - taken into consideration.

Russia and Ukraine were about even in the rankings. The Guardian was interviewing people as they were leaving the first semi-final, trying to find some sort of political tension angle for a story. No one was biting. Ukrainian answer: Oh, you know, we're friends. We're happy Russia made it through - they have a good entry, and we're happy for them. Russian answer: You know, it's all about the music. Ukraine's entry was really great - we're glad to see them do so well. And so, without further ado:

Me: Tick-tock - hamster wheel one. Faster again! Woot! Wind right from the start. 
Craig: Spinning wheel. YES! This is better. 'kiss me till I drop'. Split on that dress is pretty scandalous.
Sarah: spinning wheel?? good dance beat finally, wind machine. Dude on a hamster wheel!! interesting key change, sounds a bit eastern european despite english, catchy chorus, tick tock
Fatemeh:  nice movement

Craig: twins bonus.Song not that memorable.
Sarah: twins, more fog machine, random transparent bars, on a seesaw. light show galore, sounds a bit abbaish
Me: Even more liberal use of fog machine. Twins, see-saw. Wind machine! Sun and lighting, solid
song with a bit of a key change attempt at the end.
Fatemeh: Symmetric!

There were two boy bands. The first was BELARUS, with Cheesecake. They can't really dance, and the song is kinda terrible. The other was DENMARK, with Cliche Love Song. THEY knew enough to make fun of themselves a bit! And they can dance, had a chick, and like every ethnic background they could scrounge together. Good effort Denmark.

The NETHERLANDS, SWEDEN, and a few others finished well, but because they put in people with good voices and decent songs. Not fair! More fire! More sparkles! More wind machine!!!

Honorable mention to AUSTRALIA for their first performance! They were the most well represented country at the second semi-final, hands down. We were watching the finals on Saturday, just on tv, and there were a LOT of jokes and references pointed to China. Maybe all the Chinese international students in Oz have taken a love of EuroVision back to China with them? At any rate, Craig said he's going to be upset if China gets an official entry before Australia.

Ok, will sign off with my favourite photo of the night, a Jedward-inspired air-jump high-five, in full fluoro!

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