Monday, March 28, 2011

I'd like to order a box of Teflon beakers, some tweezers, and some salvation please.

Our order of plastic-ware for the lab came with a side-order of religious propaganda. Oh America! You so crazy!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Dear Mom & Dad,

Thank you for helping to make me a thinking, feeling, independent individual.

Love Mars

Thursday, March 10, 2011

In the same vein as...

You've heard of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", right? How about "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"? Well, I figure that dude can't zombify all the classics that fast, so as soon as I finish my thesis, I'm laying dibs on this idea:

with illustrations by Craig Polley. (Thanks for the artwork Craig!)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Little Piece of History

Sadly, Generation X is no more :( By the time I heard the news that they were closing down, I had missed out on all the foreign films, the works of the Cohen Brothers, all of the non-porn anime, all BBC mini-series, the Star Wars Christmas Special, and Apocalypse Pooh. There were a few items left on my list though that were still there, and so Lucy, being the awesome sister that she is, was able to save a bit of Waterloo awesomeness for me:

We shall miss you GenX. Waterloo is less awesome without you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

West Is Best! Lenio Sister's Unite!

Lucy and I went out west to visit Sue & Brock for International Women's Day, which is coming up on March 8th (a.k.a. Susan's birthday). All the west coast Lenio's came down for the day. Here we have Aunt Elaine & the Cousins:

A few Waterloo faces made it out for tubing at Cypress. Look! It's James & Michelle!

Laura was here as well. What with her & Danny and I, there was a fair bit of math talk. We stumped Danny with a 3-D vector problem that used spherical co-ordinates (although I don't think the co-ordinate system mattered that much for the problem. And we went out for Chinese, where the awesome dumplings were kind of nullified by the terrible service.

And some more photos of BC, because I'd forgotten how freakin' beautiful Canada is:

Friday, March 4, 2011


Mat Trudel was here this week for an interview at a start-up company in San Francisco! Yay friends moving to the area! Hopefully. If Justine can be convinced.

To help with the convincing: I'm an awesome babysitter! And we can have knitting nights!

I didn't take any photos of the awesome Thai food we had for dinner, or the "Food Not Bombs" people outside the BART station, or the triple-goatee that Shandi was sporting, or of us playing pool, or any of the Mission Randomness that occurred (some guy bought us massive steins of beer???). So here's a photo of Margot to make up for it: