Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chillin' in post-riot Vancouver

So Sue & Brock's new place in on the 21st floor of a building a few blocks from the Rogers Arena. Check out a photo of the riots, taken from her balcony:

Mostly you just see the smoke from the burning cars, but you get the idea.

Sue's condo is pretty awesome. Got up this morning, went hot tubbing, then swimming, then sauna, then swim, then steam room, then showered. She says Michael Buble owns the penthouse on her building, and there's a few hockey players that live in the building, not that she'd be able to recognize them. The only players we can recognize really are Roberto Luongo and the Sedin twins. Then Sue and Brock and I went for sushi for lunch, AND THEN ROBERTO LUONGO CAME IN AND ATE LUNCH BESIDE US!!! Crazy. Vancouver is awesome.

And the book thing:
Day 4 - A book you lent out once, never got back and miss:
In A Sunburnt Country, by Bill Bryson, and Stitch 'n' Bitch (I think Johnson has both of them)


  1. Glad you are having a good birthday weekend! So did Roberto ask you out? Quite the photo..thanks for update

  2. oh Are Worth It ..Barbara Coloroso signed copy ..lent to a lady at work never returned.
